life of: [nick claure] class=div {Tuesday: "All Day"; & Maybe Wed. Morning}

  • Tuesday: "9:35am" - {Laying in bed}= not wanting to get up out of bed.
  • Tuesday: "12:45pm" - .Walking over the bridge to myclass=divGD History to learn about the great history of GD.
  • Tuesday: "1:35pm" - [Sitting next to Janni Ji, taking notes in class=divGD History. Taught by Ellen Lupton and Brockett Horne]
  • Tuesday: "3:25pm" - p About to leave the "class=div. My notebook is ready to go and so am I. " /p
  • Tuesday: "3:49pm" - W a l k ing; back (to my car) "overlooking" "the" "industrial" "scene" "below" "me"
  • Tuesday: "4:59pm" - "Drinking water" w/ the sunset of my lamp descending through the .H2O liquid
  • Tuesday: "5:48pm" - Look-ing at my "pile" of clothes.png, being lazy, hoping it picks itself up. {Maybe, just hopefully.} /
  • Tuesday: "6:10pm" - Bored: {staring out the [window]} at the illustrious can of trash and bagnbrown
  • Tuesday: "7:00pm" - ;"About" to do [HW], what the fuck, more HW?
  • Tuesday: "8:01pm" - .position: Sitting with my pup; cause. he's. the "best!"
  • Tuesday: "9:02pm" - Title: "Darkness overrides the light"
  • Tuesday: "11:51pm" - @thegasstation
  • Tuesday: "1:35pm" - .Macro { gas shot } of typography & the ground & the silver tin of the station vessel & etc.
  • Wednesday: "6:45am" - Emulsion-wall-texture.jpg. Starting the day of screenprinting. Tuesday, you were okay but Wednesday you suck even more.