City of Residence


The city of Glattonsburg located in Vic Dultra - GR, has a population of 698 civilians where the surrounding landscape is cuvitated green vegetation around with being on the coastline of the ocean, many animals stray away from the tall cliffs that have great stature. The city of Glattonsburg got its name from the mythical creature Glatton which was a 3 headed dragon that lived in the ocean and in the sky. You can suspect the city to look like your typical viking-esque town due to the dreary weather that infects everyone, muted colors are year around with rainfall and misery. This town has been deprived of societal betterment, Glattonsburg has been the same as it was for nearly 500 years and does not seem to be changing anytime soon. The cities political status reigns in Der Kront's hands as he is a dictator, ultimetly ruining the city.